Please scroll down to learn about Discovery's professional geoscientists, geologists, staff and crew
Bill Gilmour, B.Sc., P.Geo.
- Co-Founder of Discovery Consultants in 1987, handling most of the management of the partnership
- A 1970 graduate of the University of British Columbia
- Former Director of several junior exploration companies
- Carried out numerous gold exploration programs for Carlin gold, skarn, VMS, diamonds, and alkalic porphyry copper-gold deposits
- Designed and interpreted regional heavy mineral stream sediment surveys in BC, Yukon, Alaska, the western United States, Ecuador, Chile and Argentina
- Designed and interpreted diamond exploration programs in the N.W.T., Nunavut and Alberta
- Actively involved in uranium exploration from a prospecting to a consulting role
- Co-managed a uranium exploration program in Argentina from 2005 to 2008
- Author and co-author of numerous 43-101 Reports
Tom Carpenter, B.Sc., P.Geo.

- Project Geologist with Discovery Consultants since 1989, and partner since 1998
- A 1971 graduate of Memorial University of Newfoundland
- Field and management experience in 8 provinces, 2 territories and on 6 continents
- Diamond exploration on a number of projects in Alberta, Nunavut and the NWT
- Extensive experience for epithermal type gold deposits
- Directly involved in discovery of the North Peak gold deposit in Nevada
- Team Leader on World Bank Project in Yemen responsible for supervision and hands-on training of government exploration staff
- Geologist responsible for regional exploration around the Bisha polymetallic deposit in Eritrea
- Exploration experience for oil sands deposits
- Extensive uranium exploration experience including: exploration for unconformity type deposits in the Athabasca Basin; sandstone-hosted ‘roll-front’ uranium deposits; intrusive hosted uranium deposits and volcanic hosted uranium deposits
- Managed final phase of exploration on the Midwest uranium deposit
- Co-managed a uranium exploration program in Argentina from 2005 to 2008
- Author and co-author of numerous 43-101 Reports
Robert Tilsley, B.Sc., P.Geol
- Project Geologist with Discovery Consultants since 1994
- A 1976 graduate of Memorial University of Newfoundland
- Field and management experience across Canada, in Africa and in South America
- Managed exploration for epithermal gold deposits in Nevada
- Extensive exploration experience for lode gold and placer gold deposits in North America and Africa
- Specialized in sampling problematic gold ore
- Extensive uranium exploration experience including: unconformity type deposits in the Athabasca Basin; sandstone-hosted uranium deposits in Niger; volcanic hosted uranium deposits in Argentina
- Project Geologist on a uranium exploration program in the Otish Mountains, Quebec
Agnes Koffyberg, B.Sc., M.Sc., P.Geo., P.Geol.
- Staff and field geologist with Discovery Consultants since 1997
- A 1987 graduate of Brock University and a 1994 graduate of the University of Alberta
- Carried out exploration for epithermal type gold deposits in Nevada
- Explored for skarn type gold deposits in British Columbia and shear-hosted gold and banded iron formation deposits in Nunavut
- Porphyry copper experience
- Experienced in the writing of 43-101 reports and assessment reports
- Extensive permitting experience
David M. Strain
- Prospector with Discovery Consultants since 1996
- A 1978 graduate of Cambrian College of Applied Arts and Technology, Sudbury, Ontario with a Diploma in Geological Engineering Technology
- Majored in geology at UBC from 1980-1983. Field management experience across Canada and the western US
- Extensive field experience in stream sediment and heavy mineral sampling, soil sampling, claim staking
- Highly experienced in exploration for base and precious metals in a variety of environments across Canada
- Extensive diamond drill management and core logging experience
- Uranium exploration experience in Saskatchewan and the NWT
- Wellsite oil and gas exploration experience in the Western Canada Basin
- Accomplished mapper
Cameron Barker
- Prospector with Discovery Consultants since 2004
- Extensive experience in stream and heavy mineral sampling
- Experienced in exploration for precious and base metals
- Involved in uranium exploration in Canada and Argentina since 2007 and in the Angikuni Basin for the past 5 years
Rick Mitchell
- Draughtsman, surveyor, prospector and field technician with Discovery Consultants since 1988
- Majored in Geology at Cariboo College from 1976-1978
- Awarded Diplomas in surveying and cartography from NAIT and Camosun College in 1982 and 1983 respectively
- Certificate in AutoCADD technology and trained in GIS (ArcGIS) technology
- Extensive land survey, site survey control and preparation experience
- Highly experienced in drafting, research and tenure management
- Extensive field experience in stream sediment and heavy mineral sampling, soil sampling, claim staking
- Extensive permitting experience
David Wu
- Computer specialist, bookkeeper, office, logistical and tenure manager with Discovery Consultants since 1988
- Majored in Botany at UBC (1972-1976)
- A 1988 graduate of BCIT with a diploma in Computer Systems
- Certificate in AutoCADD and trained in GIS (ArcGIS) technology
- Day to day office data and tenure management, reporting and liaising with clients
- Assisted in the field management of exploration programs in the Eskay area, BC
- Extensive permitting experience
Associate Geologists
Discovery has access to a large pool of experienced geologists with diverse experience and backgrounds. We match the geologist to the program requirements to best serve our client's needs.
We also hire geological students and recent graduates as assistants. We routinely mentor the new generation of geologists so that they become responsible professionals.
Field Crews
Discovery also employs seasonal field technicians to carry out our mineral exploration programs. These include prospectors, geological technicians, cooks, camp managers and first aid attendants. Many of these employees have worked with Discovery on a seasonal basis for over ten years.